To financially support the Turner family:

Through Check or money order:
Write check to Biblical Ministries Worldwide not to Jason and Erica Turner.

Indicate our name, amount and if it is a one time gift or regular support.

Mail to:
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
1595 Herrington Road
Lawrenceville GA 30043-5616

You will receive a tax-deductable receipt within three weeks.

You can read more about the above info at:

Through Automated Giving:

Send a voided check to:
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
1595 Herrington Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043-5616

With this information on a seperate sheet:

I hereby authorize Biblical Ministries Worldwide to arrange automatic deductions from my bank account each month on the (1st or 15th). In order to support the ministry of Jason and Erica Turner for $________ beginning _______(month) _______(year).

Include your name, address, phone, date and signature on the sheet.

Then rejoice at what God will do through us to reach people with the Gospel using your gift.

To read more about automated giving visit: